Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Week 2-JC

July 16,

So it’s my third week of work, I’ve had the pleasure of working at camp harbor view for most of my time here and have really enjoyed it! I feel as though the regularity in faces is welcoming as I start to feel closer and closer to my coworkers. Jules, Maeve, and Aleena are quickly becoming great summer friends. Our growing friendship makes work not only more rewarding but creates a more welcoming and productive environment.

We were even able to catch a few lobsters in our traps! They were super cool to look at and I loved holding them and touching their weird underbody and all it’s squishyness. We had the bright idea of maybe feeding them until they were big enough to sell or eat, but we knew that would be too harsh. So after our last group had left for the day we let them go back into the water. The funniest part is that I’m pretty sure that the lobster we caught the next day was one of the ones we had released back. It was pretty hilarious. As we spend more and more time on the docks together I can feel us getting closer and I’m only growing more excited as I think of the rest of my summer working with them.

Besides working with my typical crew, I also had the pleasure of working a event referred to as a “Beach bash”. The event was amazing to say the least, there were multiple other organizations working there and a bunch of Kids looking for a fun time. There was even a group from piers park who brought kayaks, and before they got crazy busy I was able to ride one for the first times and it was an extremely relaxing situation. After that I worked at the toy and kite station with a few of the younger kids. We even had a giant beach ball! But after a close call with some wind that was shortly retired. I then was begrudgingly put into a pirate costume to help show the kids the “haul away joe” sea shanty that Chris seems VERY fond of. Luckily I survived the experience so I quickly  started to help set out snacks for the kids and people on the beach, before frantically  packing hot dogs in buns for the huge line of hungry kids and adults.  Luckily we still had some left over after we fed everyone and we’re able to enjoy a few ourselves. After that we probably only went on for about one more hour before closing shop and packing everything away. I felt so energized after the event, it just left me in such a good mood. I definitely can’t wait to be a part of the next one!

A cool guy holding a lobster

A bunch of cool crustaceans 

See you on the Harbor! - Jovanni

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