Last Friday, Save The Harbor and The Ollie spent the day at Atlantic Wharf. We spent the day fishing, fishing printing, exploring the touch tank and completing the mural. Despite the scorching hot weather we managed to have a fun and productive day. Their was three stations spread around Atlantic Wharf: fishing printing/drawing, mural work, and fishing/crabbing.
Brianna holding our impressive catch |
One of the highlights of the day was when the kids and Briana caught a massive lobster, towards the end of the day. Everyone was super excited and gathered around the lobster in amazement, no one could believe the size of the thing. Just one of its claws was the size of some whole lobsters. And for many of us, that was the largest lobster we’ve ever seen! And for others that was the first lobster, they’ve ever seen! After everyone had an opportunity to see the lobster, we threw it back in the water as it was too big to keep. Then, the kids from the Ollie joined us (Save The Harbor staff) in a delicious lunch from Boloco. As the day came to an end we all said our goodbyes and thank the campers for joining us for another fun day on the Harbor.
Until Next Time,
Abel Yohannes
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