Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Children's Museum, Once Again!

This week at the Children's Museum was unlike ever before. Ever since the massive heat wave we had a couple of weeks ago, the amount of kids that would arrive at our site began to steadily increase, this week we even managed to set a record high of 165 visitors for our site this summer. The amount of people we had visit us and ask us was constantly going up every day. Even though we only have 4 people at this site this week excluding Monday, we were able to have every one of our staff members work hard and accomplish what was set out to do. With the decrease of heat, also came in the increase of fishes caught. We managed to catch more fishes in the crab traps than we did for the rest of  the summer combined.

During the week, I met one kid who was most excited and eager to try fishing. He would talk about how he loved watching fishing videos but never got the chance to try it. Once he saw us set up he waited for the fishing poles to be ready and began to fish. I will never forget how happy he was when he caught his first crab. Catching the crab really must have made his day because he stood fishing for almost the whole day and joined us back out on the dock after our break was over at 2.

On Thursday we had one of the members of the board of the Children Museum speak with us. She was part of a team which works together to other organizations to receive funding in order to support the museum. Hearing about how she got the job and the way her life was going made me realize that not everything can be planned out and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes thing happen for a good reason and they are so you can develop further in life. 
The lady who spoke with us talked about her degree in communications and how it helped her land the job at the museum which she would have never thought about if a headhunter did not approach her and tell her she would be a good fit for the job. This discussion really changed my view on what I want to become once I get older because I could want to do one thing which may not work out and could end up going in a completely different direction which is okay!

Busy day at the Children's Museum
Til next time,

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