Monday, August 13, 2018

My First Fishing Derby/Tournament!


August 7th.


Time to get up.

As I slowly pealed my body off my bed, I thought about what I needed to do this morning: feed and walk my dog Bosco, pack my work shirt for the fishing derby, and get breakfast. Early morning.

As I was walking Bosco around the building for his morning walk, I started getting excited for the fishing derby. It was a beautiful day so far. Sunny and warm, although I was prepared for strong heat later in the day. I had heard it was a fun event for the Save the Harbor/Save the Bay staff. The staff would be divided into groups and set out on different boats, all of us competing for one of two prizes: catching the most fish or catching the biggest fish. I was aiming for one of those prizes.

For much of the summer I have been outside of the Boston Children’s Museum. At that location, we work with kids of all ages and teach them how to fish; however, we only drop cast and never move locations. I was looking forward to fishing in a new location with deeper waters. As I returned to my apartment after my walk with Bosco I went through my check list to make sure I had everything I needed for that day: sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, water bottle, phone, keys, wallet, work shirt, and raincoat. Time to head out.


I arrived at the Courthouse T Stop, our meeting location at 7am on the dot. Kristen, a recent Senior Harbor Educator, was there to direct us to the docks. As I walked to the docks, I was getting really excited. A big highlight of my job is that I like my coworkers. We all always have a good time and can make stressful situations fun. So I was excited to do something new with them and hopefully spend time with some of the coworkers I do not work with often. 


After munching on some grapes and mini-muffins, it was time to start diving people up into their groups and start heading out. We got a very nice captain whose boat had air conditioning, a big plus once it started to get really toasty out. Our first mission: bait! We went to several locations in the harbor but were not having much luck. Eventually, we finally caught a mackerel! We used the bait live, which I did not know was even a thing. This means we hooked the fish to the rod and let the fish swim around as to catch bigger fish. Unfortunately, we were not having much luck and to make things more difficult, we lost our fish out near Deer Island. We came back completely empty handed but it was still a very fun experience. There’s nothing like being outside and enjoying the harbor.

Our view from the top of the boat!
Sea you later for my last week,
Ellen :)

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