Sunday, August 12, 2018

Short Week, Many Stories

Hey Everybody!

So, this week I was both at the Children's and at George's Island with All Access, and they were both so much fun!

Over at the Children's Museum, we taught kids how to fish and allowed them to play with the crabs we caught from the crab traps. Once it started raining, however, we had to stop fishing and found shelter under the tent on the outside of the Museum. While we were there, we got to check out the activities that the Children's Museum holds outside, and in this case, it was Messy Mondays. They were making mini Rube Goldberg machines to get balls from one point to another, and the kids seemed to be having a lot of fun with the activity.

On Tuesday, I got to go to George's Island through All Access. I was placed at fishing and crabbing along with my friend Jassiem, so we helped the kids fish on the pier and we let them play with the crabs we caught in the crab traps. Unfortunately this was my last day for the week as I was gone the rest of the week but I can't wait to be back with Save the Harbor next week!
My friend Jassiem helping out the groups.
See you out on the Harbor,

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