Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Thats All Folks!

This week at Save the Harbor Save the Bay had to be my favorite one yet! From exploring the island to bonding with my coworkers its been a great summer!

To start it off, the week was great as we visited both islands this week and saw yet another almost 1000 kids in the week! With so many camps returning and not visiting us once but twice this summer, its heartwarming to know that we provide these kids with good memories that make them want to return. Wednesday was a great fishing day,  we caught a lobster within 20 minutes of our fishing session.  We connected with this female empowerment group. Not only had their kids never fished before but some of their staff never did as well. I guided the staffers who had never fished before and caught a couple of Green crabs on the line.  Although they seemed scared at first, after teaching them how to hold a crab without getting pinched they actually began to enjoy fishing. On Wednesday we also met some kids from a group called 'CITI', they all came from Cape Verde, which is an island on the coast of Africa, and schooled me on fishing as they actually ate the fish they caught back home. 

Kaya and I with the lobster caught at Spectacle!

Jasseim and I with the rods about to board the boat.
Thursday at Spectacle, we played an intense game of kickball. We had about 270 kids on the island that day and with a cool breeze, anything was possible. That anything turned out to be a game of kickball. With Damani on my team against Qalid and Deonte, we played fair and tough yet lost. Although the kids around us didn't take it as seriously as we did, we all still had fun.

Carrie, Stanley and I at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute.
Friday, we had a bit of a staff day. We went to Sullivan's at Castle Island and enjoyed a lunch of chicken nuggets, fries, milkshakes and pretty much everything else on the menu! We sat outside and enjoyed each others company as it was some of our staffers last day, including my own. After eating and a walk around the beach we headed to the Edward M. Kennedy Institute! The Edward M. Kennedy Institute is by the UMass Boston campus and free of charge to enter for Boston Public School students! We toured Ted Kennedy's replica office and learned about Congress. We even attempted on passing a bill! (Sprinkles are the best toppings for Ice Cream, nothing else!) At the end of it all we had a mock debate on whether or not Judge Kavanaugh should be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. And despite everyone's opinions we managed to have a respectful conversation about our thoughts.

Everything about this week made me realize that I'll miss Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay, and the friendships that I've made here. As I embark onto my next journey I will never forget what I learned here. Until the next time we'll Haul Away Joe!


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