Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The heat contiunes

Another of week of extreme heat has gone by, however this time to with extra thunder storms.Monday was an ordinary day at Children’s again , however this week it was slow with the amount of children not coming to try to fish. The few kids that would come by would stick around for a while, they were loyal to the fishing program even in this extreme heat. On Monday there was this one kid who stayed around for an 1 hour in the early morning heat and the came later in the day at around 3 and stayed  for a good 30 minutes. Even in normal weather, the are few kids that come back later in the day.

On Tuesday it was a different story, the early morning humidity meant it was was great for catching crabs and all sort of small fish however it wasn't great for the kids who showed up to fish. The Early morning was extremely busy however in the afternoon, once the rain started to begin to poor, all of the animals which we had in our touch tank escaped, which meant we had to pack up since we had nothing to show off and we were not allowed to go finishing in the storm.

The rest of the week was extremely slow with the number of kids decreasing by the day, which meant it was harder for kids to come out in try fishing. However on Friday, when I went to a beach event in East Boston that quickly changed. We had ran out of our fish printing supplies within the first two hours of the event. We clearly underestimated the amount of kids who wanted to come out and learn about the harbor which was great. We also worked on Sand raking which was based on the theme of the ocean which was done to help kids get excited about the water and learning about the Boston harbor.

On Saturday, I worked another event at Revere Beach in which supplies ran out extremely quickly like the day before. We had huge amounts of people who were lined up in order to ask us questions and to try out fish printing. We also had a bunch of people ask us about a donation box in which they could help out our organization.

Save the Harbor /Save the Bay Sand Raking 

See ya on the Harbor, 

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