Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week 4!

This week at the Boston Children's Museum the usual sea creatures were caught: crabs and small fish! Except we caught a new species of fish this week which was a sculpin! We caught these fish in our crab trap like many of the other fish we catch. There was a small sculpin and a large sculpin. Since they looked a bit more scary than the usual cunner we catch I was scared to touch them at first but they turned out to be quite cute!

Scuplins are actually very interesting fish. This species can be from a few inches to three feet in length and can actually get quite heavy with a maximum weight of 25 pounds! However most of the ones caught are around 4 inches in length. They have much larger fins than the cunner we usually catch and they also have a large head so it was easy for the kids to see the difference between the two species of fish in our touch tank. This fish was more easy to handle in the touch tank since they didn't swim away every time we reached in to take them out.

On Friday we had our second beach bash and splash of the summer where all staff members and campers got to go to the beach! I did face painting and although my drawing/painting skills are not that good I was able to complete some nice artwork on the kid's faces. It was difficult when the kids would move or ask me to paint something that was more difficult because I wanted the paint to come out great and worried that it might not.

Overall I really enjoyed the beach bash due to the beautiful weather, great food, and a ton of cute children around! It was a fun and exciting experience and I cannot wait for next week!

Crabs and kids!

See you next week!

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