Friday, September 21, 2018

Save the Harbor and BCBS of Massachusetts Clean Up Carson Beach!

On Friday, September 21st, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay staff teamed up with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (BCBSMA), as part of BCBSMA’s 8th annual Service Day for a clean-up at the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)'s Carson Beach in South Boston.

Stretching for nearly three miles from Pleasure Bay to the McCormack Bathhouse, Carson Beach is one of the cleanest urban beaches in the country. Save the Harbor and BCBS of Massachusetts have held clean up events here for more than a decade.

“Service Day is an important part of our year at Blue Cross Blue Shield,” said Ryan O’Donnell, Vice President of Operations at BCBSMA. “It’s part of our overall mission to ensure healthy communities in the places where we work and live, including making sure that all of our members have access to great recreation spaces and high quality beaches. I used to live about a mile away, and I always appreciated how clean the beaches were. I spent many happy days with my wife and kids here, and we’re excited to play a small part in making sure all of our members have the same opportunities.”

Nearly 40 employees from BCBS of Massachusetts started bright and early to fan out the length of the beach and get to work on various projects. About half of the volunteers went to Pleasure Bay at the north end of Carson Beach. Starting there and working southward, one group painted the shade structures over benches that line Carson Beach and Columbia Road. They were accompanied by a landscaping crew working to remove large plants that grow along the boardwalk and, if left untamed, can grow through and damage the boardwalk.

“It was was a very productive day on the beach, thanks to our partners at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts,” said Chris Mancini Vice President for Programs and Operations at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. “In just one day we covered miles of beach, completing maintenance projects that otherwise might take weeks of staff time.”

Another group started the day at the McCormack and worked their way north raking and removing high tide wash up as well as litter and debris from the beach. In addition to the beach work, a small group spent the morning at the South Boston Neighborhood House's preschool, "the Ollie" helping with a deep clean of two classrooms, including sanitizing as many toys as possible in advance of cold and flu season!

“Carson Beach is really a gem not only for Bostonians but for the region as a whole,” said Chris Mancini, Vice President of Operations and Programs at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay who led the group. “We’re incredibly grateful to our partners at Blue Cross Blue Shield for their commitment to stewarding this beach and recognize the role it plays in helping our region's residents live happy, healthy lives.”

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