Thursday, November 15, 2018

Save the Harbor Brings "Life's A Beach" to Region's Metro Beaches

This summer Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Boston Circus Guild brought 8 “Life’s a Beach” festivals to the regions waterfront neighborhoods and beachfront communities from Nahant to Nantasket as part of our Better Beaches Program.

This year's festivals included aerialists, acrobats, stilt-walkers and jugglers from the Boston Circus Guld, as well as our crew of performing pirates who shared songs and stories of the sea.

Events also featured art on the shore with Artist-in-Residence Robyn Reed, who's interactive art installation Changing Course helps to educate community members about plastic marine pollution and the importance of recycling. This project transforms found plastic water bottles into a school of fish. At Life's a Beach events this summer children and families created and contributed their own "fish" to the piece.

This summer also saw the return of internationally renowned artist Andres Amador who creates huge works of art in the intertidal zone of beaches. These interactive, collaborative, and visually stunning pieces are part of Amador's Earthscape Art series, inspired by his study of calligraphy, ancient architecture, and science of all disciplines. The artwork on beaches can span over 100,000 feet, achievable only during low tide when the beach is revealed. Andres visited Nantasket Beach, Constitution Beach, and Revere Beach to create this art.

This year's "Life's a Beach" festivals also included our Youth Environmental Education Program staff who brought fish printing and touch tanks to teach kids and families about the creatures who live in Boston Harbor and Mass Bay.

In 2018, nearly 10,000 people took part in these free Life's a Beach Festivals, proving that life can really be a beach!

Save the Harbor would like to thank the Department of Conservation and Recreation and our Better Beaches Program sponsors, Harpoon Brewery, JetBlue, and the Boston Circus Guild, and the hundreds of participants and donors to the Harpoon Shamrock Splash, which has raised more than $250,000 to support free beach events since it began in 2011.

We would also like to thank our policy and program partners at The Boston Foundation, the Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation, P&G Gillette, National Grid, Comcast, Beacon Capital Partners, New England Picture, Mix 104.1, Boston Centers for Youth & Families, The YMCA of Greater Boston, The Daily Catch Seaport, Baja Taco Truck, and the Blue Sky Collaborative for their support.
See you all on the beach!

Save the Harbor would like to thank our program and policy partners and event sponsors: the Department of Conservation & Recreation, Harpoon Brewery, JetBlue, The Boston Foundation, the Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation, P&G Gillette, National Grid, Comcast, Beacon Capital Partners, New England Picture, Mix 104.1, Boston Centers for Youth & Families, The YMCA of Greater Boston, The Daily Catch Seaport, Baja Taco Truck, and the Blue Sky Collaborative for their support.

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