Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Alberto Bernard - Marketing and Design Intern


My Name is Alberto Bernard and I will be your new Marketing and Design Intern. I am from Providence, Rhode Island and my family hails from the small island of the Dominican Republic. As the first member of my family to graduate from college, I strive to do great and to be great. After graduating from the New England Institute of Art, I took time off from my career to take care of my family, taking odd jobs here and there. I have no regrets, but I feel like it's time that I focused on my career and take the next step forward in my life.

I am here to make something I'm proud of. It's my sole reason for making art and my sole reason for working as hard as I do. I am here to design and help grow the aesthetic elements for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. My efforts shall be focused on social media growth, event promoting, and modernizing the the overall look of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. In my time here I am sure I can work with everyone to make good work.

In my youth I benefited from after school programs; I saw first hand how important and impactful a program of that nature can be, and I found myself working along side them. In some regards, this led to all my work experience in child care and social outreach: from Jr. Staff in middle school, to substitute teaching at a preschool during college. My current job is that of an after school art teacher.

At Save the Harbor,  I understand how these programs are funded and what it takes to get them running. Save the Harbor does good work and I feel that working with them, I can be proud of what I do.

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