Monday, May 27, 2019

New Program Intern - Maggie Hart


My name is Maggie Hart, I am from South Boston, MA. I just finished my sophomore year at Elon University in North Carolina and I am in the process of earning my Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies with a minor in Geographic Information Systems. I am working here at Save the Harbor, Save the Bay this summer as an Summer Program intern and Lead Harbor Explorer, and I'm so excited and eager to get started. I will be working on an individual project, as well as working with Save the Harbor's Youth Environmental Education Programs.

I grew up in South Boston, so I have always known about Save the Harbor. I have attended beach clean ups ever since I can remember, and I have always loved being involved in the community where I am from, but I have also loved getting involved in other communities as well. I am looking forward to getting to know my colleagues and the people of the communities that I will be working with. I am very passionate about the environmental issues happening in our world today, and I am excited to be able to make a difference in something that is so close to home, but also important for the future of our earth and environment. I am so excited for the summer to get started, and I hope to see you on the beaches soon!

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