Tuesday, July 9, 2019

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Hey, it's Damani Duverna,

    It is good to be back for my second year at Save the Harbor Save the Bay. My name is Damani Duverna. I graduated from Cathedral High School this year. I was born and raised in Dorchester, MA and have never moved out of Dorchester. I played baseball, football, and basketball at Cathedral but helped out with all of the sports. I’m excited to work back at Save the Harbor Save the Bay because last year I met and got close to a lot of other staff, like Qalid, Patrice, Kharliyah, Aleena, Kamal, and Albert. These people made my summer great. I had such a great experience with STHSTB, l learned new stuff about the harbor and did things I hadn't before, like held crabs and lobster, and learned how Spectacle Island came to be.

On the boat with my crew from last year 

     Orientation was fun, there were more new people this year which made it more fun. Who doesn’t like meeting new people? In order to welcome them and have some fun on the first day, we played games at Spectacle with my main guy David in the lead. The second day we went on a fishing trip. We were put into groups using one fishing rod so we can bond more and get out of our comfort zone which is good because meeting new people leads to different opportunities. The third day we met who was in charge of the Boston Children's Museum, which is one of our many sites. That day was more relaxed. But my favorite part of orientation was as soon as I got to the dock for day 1, getting to see all my friends again because I haven’t seen them in so long, especially Patrice and Kharliyah. Qalid, Patrice, and Kharliyah helped me out a lot last year; they showed me how things were done and how to do stuff in an easier way. I was also able to easily get out my comfort zone with them because they made me feel welcome. Now Kharliyah is my work mom, making sure I'm here on time and that I'm doing everything I'm supposed to. Patrice is my best friend, she makes sure that I'm all set with everything like food, work, and makes sure that I'm not sad. Now my guy Qalid that's my bro we meet like every morning before meetings all the time, go to get food before and we always chill. I see all these people as my family we always talk no matter what.

Playing captains order at Spectacle Island with David as captain 
               Damani signing out, peace!

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