Sunday, July 28, 2019

crabtastic experience!

Working at CHV has definitely made my summer fun. Everyday feels completely different than the last. The interactions I’ve had with my fellow co-workers and the kids at CHV have been nothing but positive. My coworkers especially have made every day more exciting than the last. The positive atmosphere makes every day better than the last, I am always looking forward to my next day at work. We have the dream team at CHV and everything runs so smoothly because everyone does exactly what they are supposed to be doing without any complaints. Nobody just stands around and waits to be told what to do; every single member at this site goes and does what is necessary to allow the day to run smoothly. The kids we receive all make the day go by fast, it is very unlikely that we meet a group of kids that is uninterested in what we do, and even if they are, a quick look at the touch tank changes their whole attitude.
One specific memory that really stood out to me was what one young boy by the name Solomon told me, he wanted to work for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay when he was of age. This specific line really touched my heart and it stayed with me for a while. I realized that what we were doing every day at work, really was impacting kids in a positive way. Solomon had always spoken of his excitement about fishing club but it was not truly shown until the last fishing trip for session one of CHV. On this day, all the kids except Solomon were catching fish left and right, some kids caught up to 6 fish and Solomon had yet to get even a single bite.Towards the end of this fishing trip, I had asked Solomon what we had caught and with the biggest smile ever he told me “ I caught some SEAWEED!!” He had not caught anything yet he was clearly the most excited out of everyone to continue fishing.While he was sad that his time at CHV was over he was proclaiming that once he returned next year, he would catch the “the biggest fish in the world”. Hearing him tell us that when he was older, he would love to work for Save the Harbor/Save the Bay felt so inspiring to me, what we were doing was changing and influencing the younger generation of kids into doing something special with their lives. This has definitely been the top moment of my summer and makes want to continue working at Save the Harbor for years to come.

See you next week,

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