Monday, July 8, 2019

First week of work!!

    This first week of Save the Harbor/Save the Bay has been very eventful. Starting off the week, on Monday I was placed at Piers Park in East Boston, working with younger kids teaching them how to fish. Even though it was very hot, the kids and staff had a great time catching crabs and two little fish. On the following day, I was with the All Access Squad at Spectical Island. We took the boat over with many families and camps that were eager to swim and fish off the pier. We finished up the week early on Wednesday because of the 4th of July but we still made it worth it.

    The first species I remember catching this week is a spider crab. I’ve caught a few but, I never really took the time to learn about them. When it comes to spider crabs, their specific name is a Majoidea. The typical size of a Majoidea is 15-18ft claw to claw. The greatest in side is the Japanese spider crab. Spider crabs are more commonly found is bay areas or if you are talking about the Japanese spider crab they are found in waters around Japan. The spider crab is spider crab can be found living in all types of substrates, but most commonly in bays and estuaries on mud and sand in the shallow water. Spider crabs are omnivorous and use the ends of their claws to scoop up bits of detritus and algae.

    The second species we caught was a stripped bass. Striped bass are also known as Morone Saxatilis. The typical size of a stripped bass is 69 lbs, but that’s if it’s an adult striped bass. Obviously they’re are striped bass in the Boston bay because we caught one, however they are mostly found in lakes all over the place. Striped bass habitat extends from the fresh and brackish tributaries of western Florida and into Louisiana. Striped bass eat a variety of foods, including fish such as alewives, flounder, sea herring, menhaden, sand lance, silver hake, tomcod, smelt, silversides and eels, as well as lobsters, crabs, soft clams, small mussels, sea worms and squid.

    This week was a success even though it wasn’t a full 5 day week. However, i’m very excited for next week because it’s going to be nice out and i’m stocked to see what kind of fish live in our bay. Also, I’m excited to work with a whole new group of people because teaching new people how to fish and how to crab is fun. Seeing people who’ve never fished before, finally learn is amazing because they will want to show others all about it. I know this is going to be a great summer with even better people!

   Ay Revoir, 
Madi Theriault 

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