Saturday, July 13, 2019

Greetings from No Coast USA!

Howdy everyone! My name is Xavier Hayden and I am pleased to be the newest addition to the Save the Harbor family! While I joined a little late in the summer fun,  I am ready to dive head first into all harbor activities and am especially excited to be working with the fantastic students at Camp Harbor View! (Note: diving in head first can be very dangerous, and should only be done in visible water with adult supervision)

Me Celebrating Another Successful Sunset!

I originally hail from the great city of Manhattan...KANSAS! That's right, we piggy backed our city name from NYC, and love referring to ourselves as the Little Apple. Living in a large, coastal city like Boston, next to a bustling harbor while different and new, is not totally unfamiliar. This past year, I graduated with a bachelors degree in Mathematics from Bates College up in Lewiston, Maine (Go Bobcats!) where I had been living for around four years. At Bates, I kept myself very busy outside of my classes. I enjoyed working in my schools admissions office, as well as our theater departments' workshops helping design and build different theater sets for a whole mess of different shows. In addition, I also was heavily involved in a cappella (see Pitch Perfect for reference) as well as theater and rock climbing!

Thumbs Up Pacific Ocean! Very Cool!

I am excited to be working for Save the Harbor Save the Bay for a few reasons. First, I have never worked a seafaring job before. Believe it or not, but there aren't a whole lot of oceanic opportunities in Kansas. Second, Save the Harbor has proven itself to be such a unique and powerful movement towards a cleaner environment, and is committed to spreading more knowledge and insight about our friendly, neighborhood spider crabs (and other aquatic critters). I feel very lucky to be apart of a team that has such dedication and passion for the environment. Since 1986, Save the Harbor has proven that it only takes a handful of dedicated people to make a historical difference. The fact that one of the founding members of the Save the Harbor movement wasn't a fancy lawyer or a marine scientist, but was just an impassioned mother who had a love for the bay, reminds me that it doesn't take a degree or money to make a change. All it takes, is the action and willingness to make that difference.

That's all for now folks! CATCH you later on and I hope to SEA you soon!

-Your pal, your best friend,

Xavier Hayden

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