Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Second Summer at SHSB!

Hey! My name is Carrie Monge. I’m back for my second year at Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay and I’m excited to re-share my love and concern for our waters, and to help protect it as much as possible--starting with teaching youth the significance of keeping our harbor as we can.

I’m currently 17 years old going into my last year of high school this coming fall at Newton South High School. This year’s orientation was so nice! On the second day of orientation, we went on a boat to go fishing near some Boston Harbor Islands. Even though it was raining a little bit, it was really fun to see what everyone was able to catch. Although I wasn’t able to catch anything, I know I’ll have a better chance in the future fishing with our kids!

It also felt really nice reuniting with my co-workers from last year; I missed them a lot. On the third day of orientation we met at the Boston Children’s Museum and it was very nostalgic because that’s the place I was always assigned to last year and I loved it! Especially when we got a tent to block us from the hot sun all day. We were told the rules and expectations of our job and after that we got to hang out in the newly built park right next to the museum (Martin's Park!). I had so much fun; it was so nice to see the children and staff all playing together.


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