Sunday, July 14, 2019

Plastic? More like save the PLANET

Hello everyone,

        Another amazing week at Piers Park and Courageous Sailing with some more memories that will last forever. On Monday and Wednesday at Piers Park, we caught a bunch of green crabs and even a pipe fish, which was very interesting since we don't usually catch many fish. While at Piers Park we did mini lesson about crabs and it was so amazing to see all the kids (5-8 years old) so very excited to learn about the different types of crabs in Boston Harbor and eager to hold them. At Courageous, we also did a mini lesson about Boston Harbor and its islands, and it was so fascinating to see the kids (9-14 year olds) already know so many facts, some knew even more than me!

        The topic of Plastic Pollution in our oceans and on land isn't talked about enough and is a serious issue that needs to be fixed. While working at Piers Park and also living a 6 minute walk away from the Navy Yard, I have seen lots of plastic just lying in the ocean. I've seen water bottles, plastic rings from soda, plastic bags and straws all lying in our harbor. Plastic pollution is taking a  toll on marine life due to the fact that the fishes that live in the water can choke on the plastic-the plastic can get caught in their fins, and have the ability to make it hard for them to swim. Plastic pollution doesn't only affect the organisms that live in the water, but the organisms that live on land too, such as humans. The same plastic pollution that affects fish while they are living in the water, is affecting the fish that we eat. Because of the extreme amount of plastic pollution in the ocean, humans are ingesting contaminated fish and mammals.

     Since many people know that plastic pollution is a real problem, we, as a society, need to figure out the best ways to fix it. Boston is doing a great job by charging people for the plastic bags they may choose to use in stores. In many stores across Boston it is $0.10 to buy a plastic bag, which makes people use reusable ones which in turn are good for the environment. Also, there should be more cleanups across Boston Harbor to get rid of the plastic that is on the surface and under the water. If I had to encourage my friends, family, and the public to be more conscious about plastic disposal, I would explain to them how our earth is dying. Plastic pollution is not only hurting the ocean, but also the air we breathe in everyday. Plastic have toxic pollutants that releases poisonous chemicals that can be very dangerous to humans when burned or disposed of into landfills. This is a problem that needs to be FIXED.
See you all very soon,
        Fatima :)

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