Sunday, July 21, 2019

Week 4, One for the Books

  Aloha everyone, it's Aidan yet again with blog number 4. This week was a good week, but nothing too special happened, although I did get to try my first sandwich from J. Pace & Son’s, the hashtag, which was delicious. Monday was spent kayaking near the Children's Museum collecting trash around the harbor. It's not considered one of the cleanest Harbors for nothing, because I couldn't even fill one trash bag. I think it was pretty cool to kayak under the highway bridges and snooping under the docks of on shore restaurants looking for trash. Tuesday through Thursday was the usual stuff at Black's creek, playing games and exploring the beach with one horseshoe crab this time around. Friday, I got to make up for the sleep I lost on Thursday because I didn’t have to be in Boston for work until one in the afternoon. I was excited to hear that one of the beach events that I would be attending would be the Seafood Festival in a few weeks. My weekend was spent in New Hampshire with my friend and my brother, where I got a nasty sunburn.

Che dressed up as a pirate

my new tan, props to the sun

  The Boston Harbor has a lot of history surrounding it's 34 islands. I find the story of the Lady in Black in Fort Warrens on Georges Island is most interesting, as I've always been a fan of tales like this. Supposedly, during the Civil War, a wife received a message from her husband, away to war; he had been taken prisoner on Fort Warren. She became desperate to free her husband, and made an arduous journey from Georgia to the Boston Islands. After making a full sweep of the island from a distance using a spyglass, she cut her hair and dressed herself to mimic the appearance of a man. She armed herself with a pistol and a pickaxe and rowed to the island. After infiltrating the dungeon cells, she began to whistle a tune only recognizable to her husband, as he began to whistle back the same tune. As they attempted escape, they were confronted by prison soldiers. The woman attempted to fire at the guards, but the pistol jammed and fired at her husband, killing him. She was captured and charged with treason, resulting in hanging. The guard crew granted her one last wish, and she wished to be hanged as a woman. With no clothes for a woman on the island, the soldiers ripped off black drapes and dressed her in them, and killed her. After the events went down, soldiers began to hear her tune whistled in the distance, and saw footsteps that created a circle, with these events supposedly continuing to this day.

  Well, that concludes week 4's blog, and I look forward to this week's events as they begin to unfold.

Until next time,

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