Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Week 5: Piers Park Gang

Hello everyone,
        And we’re back again after 5 wonderful weeks of working!  This week was a little different than others due to the pace of things, but was still amazing. This week at Courageous, due to the heavy rain, we only worked until lunch. Although we left early, we played an amazing game of Boston Harbor Jeopardy! We had four categories— harbor history, fishing facts, harbor animal facts, and random. Even though they were new kids this week, a lot of the kids knew so many facts and answers to even the hardest questions! Doing lessons and playing games with the kids is always the most fun because you can actually learn so much from kids that are only the ages of 6-14!
        This past week we introduced 2 more members to the Piers and Courageous Gang, Flo and Kamal. I didn’t think I would be able to click with them so quickly because I always fear creating new ties, but luckily I did. It’s great having new faces around and their vibes are amazing. While playing our usual games in the morning from 9-10 at Piers, it was so fun how to see how competitive Kamal is, even though he was cheating a bit haha! While we were playing freeze tag, Kamal was grabbing me to make sure I could be tagged by Sebastien, which was so not fair but so funny at the same time! Flo, Kamal, and Jasmine did a lesson about the crabs in the harbor: rock, Asian shore, spider, European green, and Jonah crabs! We incorporated the touch tank in the lesson so the kids can hold some of the green crabs that were caught. Some kids were scared, but others were so excited!
        While working at Piers, I have created a very good bond with my SHE, Kaya. She is a very smart and funny young woman! She has a great sense of humor and a very fun vibe to be around! Over the course of these few weeks I’ve learned so much from her— from fishing, Harbor facts, good seafood, and places around the world. I am grateful to be working at Piers and Courageous with her! I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer holds and the bond and memories we will end with.

        See you soon,
               Fatima :)

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