Monday, August 5, 2019

All Access Awesomeness


We started the week off with a staff bonding day and went to the USS Constitution Museum and got a tour of the Boston Coast Guard Base. Before the visit, I didn't know much about Coast Guards and left the tour with a much more knowledge. The rest of the week we were at All Harbor Access.We caught  many skates but my favorite catch of the week was the baby green crab we caught. It was about the size of my thumb! During the weekend I worked at the Seafood Festival at the Fish Pier selling waters. We saw pirates and got to try the amazing seafood from all around Boston.

The All Harbor Access site is honestly so much fun. Out of all the sites I think we have the most diversity in terms of the children we see and the islands we are on. Every day we board a ferry with hundreds of children on it. My favorite part of being on the huge ferry is the Bow. Feeling the wind brush against my face and I look out onto the water and see how beautiful the water looks. Also while on the ferry, I get to talk with the different kids and point out the different islands to them. 

Depending on the week, our site is different. The weeks at Spectacle Island are exciting. Most of the time we catch green crabs and spider crabs but those times when we catch a skate or even a fish are always exciting. But the best part of this site is definitely getting to swim after a long day in the sun. At Spectacle, there are many activities to do. We fish, conduct sports in the meadow, collect beach glass and ranger walks. My favorite activity to do is collecting beach glass. This something unique to this island because of its history as a dump. There is such a variety of colors,designs and sizes on the island. Only the lucky ones can find the rare red beach glass. 

The weeks spent on George’s island are completely different. The three main activities are fishing, sports and going inside the Dark Tunnel. Although there is no swimming area on the island, we still have a fun time working there. Again, we mostly catch Green Crabs and Spider Crabs but a few weeks ago we caught a Blue Mixed Gene Lobster. The truly special thing about this site is the Dark Tunnel. We hide along the sides of Tunnel, fooling kids into thinking we are the Lady in Black. The team at the site is amazing. Everyone is always ready to help or crack a joke when the day seems to last forever. All the members bring something different to the table. My favorite moments with my co workers is eating lunch together and swimming in the freezing ocean water. The All Access site wouldn't be the same without this group of fantastic people! See you on the Harbor, Tia

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