Thursday, August 22, 2019

can't wait to cast with you

Hello, my name is Anthony Morgardo, I go to East Boston High School (EBHS) and live in Charlestown. I've played Trombone since 5th grade and I'm a current member of a youth group in Charlestown called Turn It Around. One thing I love is history and knowledge, as much as school is a pain for me, I like learning about some of the interesting things it has to offer. Now this brings me to Save the Harbor. Not only does learning new things like historical facts, fishing, and sea life interest me. I get to teach the kids that come by about the many things I've learned about.
Now what are some of the things, you ask?

 I have learned that I can teach the kids. Well first we have Spectacle Island. Spectacle Island is one of the harbor islands that had a pretty hard time. It went from a normal island, to a flat piece of land because it was dug out,  to a trash dump, to a big ball of fire for 10 years, and then covered back over with dirt. Back to a normal looking island. Insane how something like that happened. Today Spectacle Island is full of wildlife and is one of the most well known harbor islands. Another subject is sea life and fishing. The harbor is home to many fish and crabs. One fish that is common to find is the flounder. Flounders are flat fish with a brownish top and a white bottom.

Hope to see you out on the Harbor!


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