Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Our Boston Waters

What's up Harbor Savers, 
We have successfully completed week 7! What an exciting week for me, this week I went on 3 boat trips and one of them landed me on the news and the Boston Globe! Although I have a love and hate relationship with boats and the ocean I can admit I had a blast during the annual Fishing Derby. My group (Shout out OB Tigers) ended up winning the contest 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, girl power to the max!! Besides the fishing trips, the crew and I at BCM have also had an interesting week. With one of our crew members leaving us for college we made sure to make the final days count, with many laughs and new memories like catching an eel from the harbor to dropping equipment accidentally into the water only for us to almost fall in trying to get it back. 
Growing up in the beautiful city of Boston a lot can say they grew up going to our urban beaches for me that would be Carson Beach and Revere beach. Swimming for any kid in the city was always something to do for the summer at beaches. Until I started this job I had no clue what the water quality was in the past and how dangerous it was to swim in our beaches. Water quality is highly important not only for us to have fun in our city but for marine life to flourish and expand. Dangerous bacteria can foster in our waters due to pollution in the Harbor. Well, it is 2019 and the water quality in our urban city has placed water quality test in the last couple of years. Through the last couple of decades, many efforts have been made to improve the quality of the water in the harbor. Save The Harbor Save the bay has hopped on these examinations in 2011. 
Boston is ten times better when you can enjoy its urban beaches but to be able to keep enjoying them we must continue to act as a community and individuals when it comes to pollution and what we can do to prevent the trash from falling in! So will you step up?
Jay Gomez 

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