Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The BCM Way

Hey Guys, 
We have finished week six, the summer is nearly over, but that won’t stop the BCM crew from making the most of the last few weeks. It seems like the heat wasn’t just affecting humans this week but also crabs and fish we usually catch at the museum. They were definitely hiding deep on the seafloor since we had parts of the day where crabs wouldn't even get caught in the crab trap. Regardless of the lack of crabs kids were taught how to fish and took with them a new skill, thanks to the BCM team. 
To begin our days at BCM, we all meet up in front of the museum to start from 9:45 am to 4:00 pm, we then gather all our materials and our tent to get the day rolling, we cut up all our bait and put pieces on all the hooks and some in the crab trap. As time passes we encourage families to join us for some fishing or for the kids to hold some crabs. My favorite thing to do is to teach people about the type of crabs we catch from the harbor, I love to see the surprised look people get when we tell them we caught it straight out the harbor in front of them. 
While we teach kids how to fish we also teach them about the importance of keeping the harbor clean. When we see trash floating in the water we encourage kids to try and catch the piece of trash with the rods or kids would follow our actions when one of us is trying to reel in any floating plastic. On Friday I managed to catch a large wooden plank just floating around with my rod along with trash bags or plastics, just by doing that the kids followed. At that age kids soak up information and situations, I’m happy to say I’ve made a positive impact in the

majority of the kids we’ve encountered and taught at BCM.

Till next time,

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