Throughout the summer, I have been on and off at different sites. I have been at Boston Children's Museum to Piers Park, and then finally at Camp Harbor View also known as CHV. The site is chock full of fun and excitement. It has over 400 or so campers and they are all bursting full of energy. What you hear is the thundering sounds of the kids cheering and or singing their camp melodies/songs along with the warm weather breezing along your skin. Usually how the camp functions means starting the day by riding the Provincetown II boat to Long Island. Afterward, we grab out fishing rods and check the crab traps. On average we have around 3 groups a day and we just show them crabs and have them fish in, what is usually skates or crabs.
My favorite activity to lead is teaching them how to fish. The fact that the kids have to wait around and have patience and yet they still have the same energy throughout the entire experience is so fascinating to me. The ages on average that we serve are 9 to 14 year old. Some ecological features of my site are the tides. One thing I never knew about CHV was how fast the tides rise. I can only imagine how much that affects the animals, hopefully in a good way? I know that high tides and low tides can affect how animals eat and live and the way the tides rise incredibly quickly is interesting. Speaking of animals, one of the most common creatures that we get is a green crab or skate.
We help spread environmental stewardship to the people by warning them of the pollution in the harbor and what they can do to help. I tell them how they can handle themselves and how they can assist with the harbor. When comparing CHV to other sites like Piers and BCM (Boston Children's Museum), CHV is more tropical meaning that you see a vast majority of wildlife and sea animals when on the island. Piers and BCM are more restricted when it comes to wildlife, considering that you're not on an island. At Piers, you don't catch much on the fishing rods. You can catch crabs and perches on the crabs. At BCM, you catch mainly crabs and the occasional striped bass. However, at CHV we catch a lot of skates, all sorts of different types of crabs, such as the green or Asian shore crab like the green crab and Asian shore crabs, as well as an occasional striped bass, but it hardly happens. There is a clear difference between the sites, but all of them involve teaching kids something new, as well as something new every day.

That's all for now!
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