Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Week 7: Think Outside The Sink

Hello everyone,
         And we’re back again with another week on the job and writing these blogs! This week was literally all about fishing.. haha! On Monday and Thursday we were at Piers as usual doing activities in the morning and fishing right after! On Tuesday and Wednesday, I was on the Boston Harbor fishing for the sea creatures that live right under the water. Tuesday, my team and I were on the Belle with Courageous helping kids catch all kinds of fish. Lots of striped bass and cunners were caught! On Wednesday was the Fishing Derby, which was so much fun. The boat we were on was going 35-40 mph and due to the large waves, we were hopping out of our seats--which was terrifying, but fun! Zaire, Ambri, and I caught 8 fish in total! Friday, I worked at Boston Children Museum and got to experience their daily fun! We caught many crabs and the kids were so happy to see and touch them.
       Studying water quality is important for the ecosystem and human health because water is one of the earth's most important substances. Water quality is fundamental to every organism on earth. Humans, animals, and plants need water to survive. If the water quality is poor, it can affect global health. Some current challenges in the Boston Harbor that make it difficult to maintain high water quality is the amount of plastic in the ocean. The plastic found all throughout the Boston Harbor is polluting its water and hurting its sea creatures. When water leaves our houses it goes down the drain and into the sewers, which leads to the Sewage Treatment Plant on Deer Island.
  Some common tests for water quality include temperature, turbidity, bacteria, dissolved bacteria, pH, nutrients, sediments, and toxic substances. To maintain natural water purification ecosystems around the world need to contribute. Ecosystems such as forests, woodlands, wetlands, and natural grasslands help maintain natural water purification by allowing the bacteria, fungi, and algae act as biological processes that clean the water over time. Growing up in Charlestown, just minutes away from the Navy Yard, I know a lot about the Boston Harbor. Back in the day, around 2010-14, people in Charlestown use to jump in the Boston Harbor all the time. Off a bridge called Baby Bridge and right into Boston Harbor off the docks, but it was never like that in the 90s. I’ve heard from people from the community that people who jumped in the Harbor came out with cold sores on their lips and bumps along their legs.
        I’m happy to know that the Boston Harbor is now a very clean harbor and continues to be one of the cleanest in the country, but too much is never enough. We need to continue cleaning the harbor and making it a very safe environment for our sea animals to live in.
        See you soon,
          Fatima :)

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