Thursday, August 22, 2019

work memories

Successful Fishing Days 
Having fun on self enrichment days and events 
Soaring to be a good example for staff and participants 
Bonding with coworkers and children 

Fishing Derby 2019
The beginning of a great summer began when I was offered the Senior Harbor Educator position at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. On the first day of orientation I already had a premonition it was going to be an experience I would  never forget. The staff was outgoing, encouraging and welcoming to all the new members of the organization. Starting the day off at Spectacle Island put a great preview of what our days working would possibly look like. 

I was programmed at Boston Children's Museum, which I was thrilled for! I enjoy working with the pediatric population so I couldn't wait to begin teaching children about fishing. I met a lot of connections that I may find useful in my future endeavors. 

I also signed up to work the Revere Sand Castle event, where I saw Andres sand rake some beautiful art! If you have not visited the Revere Sand Castle event, you must put that on your bucket list! The sandcastles are breath taking! 

I really enjoyed creating these blogs every week, because it allows me to remember all the exciting adventures that took place with my amazing co workers and participants. To cap off a great summer working for Save the Harbor I would have to explain how much I enjoyed the fishing and boat trips we took as a team! 

On our first staff enrichment day, we got to kayak the Boston Harbor and clean the waters, collecting about ten bags of trash. That was great because I bonded with people who I don't usually see at my site. Our other staff day, we took a ride to Lovells island on the Belle. Man, do I love that belle boat, I will most definitely miss that in the winter time! At Lovells island we got to swim and hike with a partner or two, it was a relaxing Monday afternoon making memories with the summer staff. 

The highlight of the summer was the Fishing Derby, as a group we got divided into boats and had to catch the most fish and the largest fish to win the prize. Even though I didn't win the price it was a great time on a beautiful boat with kind mates showing us how to catch big stripers! We caught two stripers and twenty mackerel (bait fish)! 

Its been a fishing good summer! 

Crab ya later,


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