Friday, October 4, 2019

Outflow Monitoring Science Advisory Panel Meeting - Scituate, MA

The Bay from Scituate, MA

Hey Ya'll,

On October 3rd I had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Outflow Monitoring Science Advisory Panel in my capacity as a Policy Intern here at Save the Harbor alongside Bruce Berman and my fellow intern Patrick.

The meeting was a chance for me to get acquainted with recent and upcoming environmental, scientific, and policy issues and accomplishments surrounding Boston Harbor. I was pleased to have the opportunity to chat at some length with Dean Mark Patterson of Northeastern University about his work out in Nahant; and with Dr. Betsy Reilley of the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority (MWRA) about the business practices, product choices, and infrastructure that the MWRA has developed while being a key part of the Boston Harbor clean-up. It was quite a productive day in a absolutely beautiful place!

On the beach down the street from the NOAA offices where the meeting was held (photo by Patrick Hackett)

Until next time,

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