Monday, May 18, 2020

Metropolitan Beaches Update

In late May and early June of a typical year, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and our Better Beaches Program partners announce our plans for free beach events and programs which bring more than one million regional residents and visitors to the region's public beaches.

At the same time, the Metropolitan Beaches Commission (MBC), which we coordinate for the Massachusetts Legislature announces plans for public hearings on the state of our beaches in Lynn, Nahant, Revere, Winthrop, South Boston, Dorchester, Quincy and Hull.

Though this is definitely not a typical year, our work to strengthen and share these spectacular urban natural resources with the region's kids and families continues, though most of this year's beach events have been postponed and our planned MBC hearings will take place on Zoom.

The 2019 Better Beaches Program was our most successful year since we began the program more than ten years ago, as we awarded more than $200,000 to 37 organizations to support more than free events including beach festivals, concerts, art on the shore and much more.

Click here or on the image below to read our report to learn more.

On Wednesday, May 20, Co-Chairs Senator Brendan Crighton of Lynn and RoseLee Vincent of Revere convened a virtual Metropolitan Beaches Commission meeting, to give Commission members the chance to share their observations and concerns about their beaches, and to give DCR an opportunity to share their plans for our beaches this summer. 

Click here or on the image below to learn more about the MBC and to follow their work.

These are unsettling and uncertain times, as we work together to stop the social spread of COVID-19 and keep  our beaches safe and open. Despite the uncertainty, you can be sure that as the pandemic subsides and the "new normal" begins to emerge, Save the Harbor will be here to support our partners, and will continue to find ways to "share the harbor" we have worked so hard to restore and protect with the region's kids and families.

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