Saturday, July 11, 2020

Another Amazing Summer with SHSB

Who am I? Well the the flashcard always says: "Hi my name is Jasmine Bolanos. I am 19 years old and I live in Roslindale, Massachusetts. I go to the University of Massachusetts Boston and one interesting thing about me is that something I like to do on my extra time is that I enjoy playing soccer". That is what I would say if I was at a new school sitting in front of people I don't know. But this is SAVE THE HARBOR SAVE THE BAY... WHOOP WHOOP!! So let me  introduce myself better, so here goes nothing:

My name is Jasmine but I go by Jas too. This is going to be my second summer working among the amazing staff here with SHSB. I'm so excited to get back on the water, go to beaches, and learn more harbor history. Although this summer is going to be different due to the worldwide pandemic, it won't be any less exciting. I'm super excited to be part of a new group with people who are either new or returning to SHSB, I'm excited to be able to go to a number of different locations in Boston and learn more about the Harbor, and I'm also excited to lay out some crab traps and even do some fishing. Can't wait to make the most out of everyday :).

Like I mentioned before something I'm excited to do this summer is learn more about the harbor. What specifically you ask? Well personally I'm interested in learning what other organizations, like SHSB, are doing to help clean up the Harbor. I was able to take part in a clean up the SHSB did at the Fort Point Channel, where we go in kayaks with a net and plastic bag and tried to get as much trash out of the channel. But I certainly want to know what other ways in which people are trying to prevent littering in the harbor and also learn what other ways I myself can help even if in a small way.

This year orientation was a little different from what it was last year but I definitely enjoyed just being able to leave my house and spend some time with others. This pandemic has created a lot of changes but I'm glad to see that even though precautions must be taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19, it helps to see the that other than that SHSB will continue to help others learn about the harbor and experience what the harbor has to offer. 

Until the next swim,
Jasmine Bolanos

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