Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Back into it!!

Doing what I love most,  smiling.
      Hey there, my name is Keren Osorio and I will be returning for my second summer at Save The Harbor Save the Bay. I go to Umass Amherst and will be a sophomore this upcoming fall semester. I live in Boston and have been for about 7 years now. Boston is a beautiful city and I hope that one day my children will see it how I do. In my free time I enjoy playing basketball. I either play pick up games with my cousin or shoot around by myself. I also love watching shows on Netflix, I am currently watching 13 Reasons Why. My all time favorite show is The 100, I would highly recommend it.
     With COVID 19 going on, this summer is going to be different than how it was last year. We might not be able to see the thousands of kids we did but I am excited about the content we will be making for those at home. We still want the kids to engage and learn about the different sites we will be programming at. During this pandemic a lot of kids turned to remote learning and we want them to continue that and stay safe. I love how we will be on different sites each week which is different from last year. We will be able to explore these places and share it with the kids.
      As cliche as it may sound people learn new things everyday. I am excited to learn the history about the different places we will be programming. Even if I just learn how to get to the sites in my free time I will be happy. This means that I will be able to take my family to these places so I can teach them what I learned. In my opinion I believe it is important for people to know the different events that happened in the past that shaped how things are now.
Beautiful day at Castle Island.
      This year orientation was at Carson beach. I was very excited because I was able to see the familiar faces from last summer. Most of the people I worked with I have not seen since then. What stood out to me about orientation was how we got a preview on how our videos will be recorded. We had to record a mini clip on a topic of our choice and then share it with a partner. From that activity I learned a lot of information on how to properly record yourself. You have to make sure you're recording at eye level, make sure you look at the camera and not yourself, and to also sound enthusiastic so you can keep your viewers engaged.

Hope to sea what new adventures await,


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