Thursday, July 23, 2020

Malibu Fun in the Sun!

Malibu Beach with some rain clouds. 
      At Malibu beach I had the chance to fly a drone for the first time in my life. On the first day we had no clue on how to fly it and it crashed a few times but by the second day we got help from Sam and we were able to get the drone in the air. I had a blast with this. I really liked how it shows us a different angle and perspective on nature and earth in general. We usually see earth straight ahead and not from a higher angle, so this was very cool. We tried catching some sea creature with our fishing rods but got unlucky and did not catch anything. This was a little disappointing but I still had fun skipping rocks while I waited. The most skips I got was 9 and I was ecstatic. Although we did not catch anything with the                                                                                fishing rods we did find some wildlife along the shore.
The most common sea animal we found was a periwinkle sea snail. They are commonly found on rocks and seaweed on the shallow part of the ocean. We see tons of them but a cool fact is that they aren't native species of Northern America, they were introduced by western Europe. The biggest they can grow in 1-inch long. They can also survive days being outside of water. Their main source of food is algae. The down side of this is that a study shows how they're turning the algae from green to grey.

Moon Jelly outside it's habitat

The weirdest marine wildlife we found was the Moon Jelly. I really like how they glow in the water and look purplish and bluish. They can grow up to 16 inches in diameter. They are usually found floating in offshore waters. Their diet consists of small plankton and fish eggs. Their predators are sea turtles and sunfish. They are translucent and are recognizable by their 4 horseshoe-shaped organs in their center. A fun fact is that moon jellies don't have brains, ears, heart, blood, eyes or anything us humans have. They are made up of 95% water, mouth and a digestive system. The way they breather is through their membrane, they don't have lungs either. Ocean currents are what help them maneuver because they don't really swim; they just float and let the ocean decide where they end up. They look different outside the                                                                                  water than they do in the water.

Catch me in the sun,

Keren Osorio

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