Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Marshland at Malibu Beach

Malibu Beach curves up into Savin Hill Beach

Bienvenidos! This week was full of encountering new things and people. Malibu Beach is one of Boston's hidden gems. It is a great small and clean beach to enjoy picnics or watch the sun set over the water.
This spot is actually two beaches in one. A great two for one special, both beaches wrap around the Dorchester Bay Basin. It leads out towards the Squantum Channel, one of the most famous sightings driving down Morrissey Blvd is the Rainbow Swash. The piece of artwork is the largest copyrighted artwork in the world and it's usually how I know I'm back home to Boston.
The rich green blue of the beach is a biodiverse ecosystem.
Similar to the idea of the Deer Island treatment plant, this small, salt marsh acts as an environmental regulator for the ocean. According to National Geographic, "They buffer stormy seas, slow shoreline erosion, offer shelter and nesting sites for migratory water birds, and absorb excess nutrients that would lower oxygen levels in the sea and harm wildlife" (https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/marsh/). I was able to capture a few images of the life on the shores of the beach at low tide. Lots of periwinkles, mussels, hidden clams, barnicles, and different bird species.
At the beach we were able to see things from a birds-eye view with the air drones. Using the drones to take photos and fly over the beach was the highlight of my week. It also helps to use technology to enhance our experiences at our sites during the COVID-19 Summer. We also got to go fishing but we not lucky enough to catch anything at low tide. We spent time investigating the shores, Aidan took some good photos of an unknown organism. Kieanna was able to learn how to cast a rod and I also got to teach them how to hook the line. We watched the storm roll in on Tuesday afternoon and on our final day we decided to have a team picnic on the sand.
This week we had the pleasure of meeting via with other environmental companies in Boston. They helped me see how much of a group effort it takes maintain and keep Boston green. In the end, I learned that although we all stand for something different, we have similar objectives and long term goals for what we want to see improved environmentally.
Where the grass meets the water

                                                                                        To a clean and accessible harbor for all,
                                                                                                                Summer 2020
Sea snail

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