Monday, July 20, 2020

Out on the harbor!

What a week...
Fort Point Channel

Hi, welcome back to my blog! This week my group was at the Fort channel site, however we had a eventful week filled with different activities! We spent our first day on the site working with water drones and trying to catch fish or crabs (or literally anything). We had a very difficult time trying to figure out how to work the drones... and let me tell you it was a struggle. We eventually figured it out and ended up seeing a striper on the camera. Unfortunately, the day got cut short because of a thunderstorm, but we still had fun while we were out! The next day we went on our fishing trip. We had unlucky day with ominous clouds, but we did end up catching some skate, flounder, a small bass, and crabs. I enjoyed being out fishing because I love to get out on the water. I ended up catching a flounder which honestly I was surprised by because I did not think I would catch anything! The next half of the day we went researching about our site for our deliverable which was an infographic. Around lunch time we got to go on The Roseway and do actives on board. The Roseway is a ship that teaches the community about sailing, navigation, and living life on the ship. They also have many programs where you can live on the ship for up to six weeks going all the way to the Caribbean! 

                                           MARINE LIFE
Did you know skate are in the same family as sting rays?.Feed on shrimp, crab, oyster, clams, and other invertebrates.Skate vary in size an adult at a length of 50–54 cm (20–21.3 inches) or less.They are found in most parts of the world, from tropical to near-arctic watersThe IUCN Red List listed little skates as “Near Threatened” They are used for food and their wings can be sold as scallops or other dishes as well. More commonly, they are kept to be used as bait for lobster and eel traps.

European green crab
Did you known this crab is an invasive species and was found in California in 1990?. This crab eats mussels, clams, snails, worms, and even other crustaceans. Typically about 2.5 inches long, but can range up to 4 inchesCan be found in the Pacific Northwest, as far north as British Columbia.This crabs are big competitors for native fish or birds since it preys on numerous organisms. They have also been blamed for harming the soft chill clam inducting on the U.S. East coast

Catch ya later,

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