Friday, July 24, 2020

Revere Beach

This week we when to revere beach, we went swimming in the morning and fishing too, and we played with a soccer ball in the water. Then for lunch we walked down to Kelly's for food then walked back to our site. The next day we played with my volleyball and Ruben went fishing again then we helped clean the beach by picking up trash and when I was picking up trash, Will and I found a helpless seagull and called Claudia and she said she was going to take it to a wildlife rehabilitation facility. The next day we went swimming and fishing, then gathered some voice-overs and videos for our deliverable. After we went to the beach house to wash all the sand and salt off before we left to go home.

me holding a dead crab
Me holding a dead crab

we wrote in the sand
We wrote our names in the sand

we met the mayor
We met the mayor of Revere 

    This week I learned more about climate change and how it can affect me and my home. I found out that where I live I'm affected by flooding and how people are preparing for sea level rising by making houses taller or have more space in the bottom of the house/building. One thing that scares me is the sea level rise because it's at an increasing rate and how our land will sink. I think that with my site the tide will get higher because the tide is normally high when its high tide.

                                                                   -see you out on the ocean, Ari

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