Sunday, July 26, 2020

Rocky Carson

Carson beach view from bathhouse

 Ayo welcome back! Wow it’s crazy that we are already going into our 4 week! Last week my team and I were at Carson beach in south Boston. One thing I noticed about Carson that differs from the rest of the sites we’ve visited so far is how rocky the shore is. I even tried getting my feet wet but it was really uncomfortable because I kept getting rocks in my crocs. One thing I learned for doing research for my deliverable was: In the 1990s, the beach was unsafe due to sewage water, but as of 2019 the beach was approved of being safe to swim in. On tuesday we spent our day making content for our deliverable (video) about Carson beach connecting it to climate resiliency. That day was very hot and humid but we still managed to get half our video down. The next day my team spent their day at Spectacle island swimming and exploring the island looking for sea glass. Our final day at carson we wrapped up on your work and even played some games throughout the day. Our team leader, Michael, won Heads Up!

 As mentioned in Chris’ video: by 2070 Boston will be potentially experiencing up to 90 days of 90 degrees as we further progress. We will also get more rainstorms meaning more precipitation as we get further along. And lastly our waterford areas around Boston will start to rise greatly. One thing that shocked me by this video is I didn’t realize how flooded Boston will be at the rate we are going at. It’s pretty scary to think about how far this is progressing from when I first learned about Global warming and climate change way back in middle school. I’m also interested to see if our predictions will be true or not, or even worse. The city of Boston has been making accommodations and plans for these issues that residents will face, and I’m interested to read more about it further down the line.

Smooth sailing,

More info 


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