Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Save the Harbor Adventures: Part 2

Hi there,
My name is Jay Gomez. This will be my second year working with Save the Harbor Save the Bay. I am just as excited to work with the team this year as I was last year. I am currently going into my senior year at the John D. O’Bryant, soon to be 18. I play goalkeeper for the O’Bryant Girls Soccer Team, which is one of my favorite things to do. If I’m not kicking a ball around, I'm binge watching netflix and making some beats. 
I know this summer will be a little different due to the current pandemic going around, but that won’t discourage the SHB team from making the most of it. Since this summer will be a little different, I am excited to learn more history about the beaches of Boston and have the ability to create fun activities for kids around the city. This summer, I'm hoping to absorb more information about the wildlife within the harbor and continue learning about new ways to keep our environment safe and healthy.
Black Lives Matter
New year means new faces. Orientation is always a fun part of work, this is where old staff meets new staff, the start of new friendships, and the birth of a new family. During orientation, we played Where the Wind Blows, which requires one person to stand in the middle of a circle and say, “The wind blows for anyone who…” It’s always fun to see what people come up with. Each round we learned more about who we will be working with during the summer and found new things in common. I asked a question that particularly surprised me, which was, “The wind blows if you weren’t born here.” I was surprised that there were only two people who were not born in America, including myself. This was shocking because I honestly thought that a couple of our new staffers were not born here, regardless of that, it’s always fun to see our cultural commonality. As always, thanks for taking the time to get to know me, have a great week.

Until next time,
Jay Gomez

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