Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Harbor's Inhabitants

This week my group was at Revere Beach and on Tuesday we had the opportunity to go on a fishing trip in the harbor. This was a great week to look for marine life on the beach and out in the harbor. At Revere we created a scavenger hunt centered around the marine life that can be found on and around the beach. All of this life that we saw would not have been possible without the harbor clean up. 

This week when finding sea creatures for our scavenger hunt I learned about something called the Moon Snail. I've lived in Boston all my life and I had never seen this snail until we found one on the beach. They are super interesting creatures. They live in quite large shells and secrete a slime that when it mixes with the sand creates this circular outline of where it has been. 
Moon Snail Shell
Moon Snail Slime and Sand Mix         

 This week we also got to go out fishing on the Belle. We caught a couple of Flounder and a Pogie. The coolest part of the trip for me was watching the thunderstorms roll over the water in the distance. it was really interesting to see where the rain began and ended. There was a moment when we were on our way back to the dock when half of the boat was being rained on and the other half was still dry.  

Storm Clouds Over the Harbor

Fins Up!


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