Friday, July 10, 2020

Cruisin' at Fort Point

    This week our team got to learn more about the Fort Point Channel, located in the Seaport District! The Fort Point neighborhood got its name from the old colonial fort that used to stand there. Since then, the entire neighborhood has been developed and transitioned in a variety of ways. Fort Point Channel was the most difficult undertaking of the Central Artery/Tunnel Project, which created the I-90 extension. Since then, the Channel has experienced great change. Cleaner water, parks, public docks, hotels, and restaurants have appeared among the historic bridges, buildings.

    The neighborhood of Fort Point is home to over 300 artists creating art in a wide array of media. This neighborhood is recognized as one of New England’s largest artists’ communities. The historic warehouse buildings of Fort Point are home to sculptors, painters, digital media artists, photographers, designers, performance artists, jewelers, book artists, and more. In addition to being home to many artists, Fort Point is home to many arts organizations and galleries; however, the neighborhood's gentrification has priced out most aspiring artists.

    This week we focused on the importance of keeping our harbor clean! We used crab traps to catch different types of crabs, to see what kinds of wildlife live in the harbor. Jasmine (a member of the team) lifted the trap and we found a huge king crab! We also had the chance to use the Poseidon sea drones! We were able to see all different sorts of sea life, such as crabs, jellyfish, muscles, clams, seaweed, and fish! We also had the chance to talk to someone who was working to clean the harbor. We took a look inside his boat and he had collected two large garbage cans of trash that morning! Week one was quite the adventure, I cannot wait for week two!

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