Monday, August 3, 2020

Castle Island adventures

Hi guys,

We started our week off with a trip on a boat around the Harbor and captain Charlie taught us about lobster traps and how to tell the difference between a female lobster and a male lobster. We unfortunately didn't catch any lobsters but we caught different types of crabs with bait which was 2 or 3 big fish and there was a female crab that had a soft shell and they said that if they have soft shells that how u can tell that their mating. We had two types of bait the squid then these worms with a whole bunch teeth and about hundred tiny feet. At first I did not like to put the bait on the hook but i got over it because i had to do it so many times. Everyone at least caught one fish that day they types of fish that we caught were black sea bass, perch, tautog after we caught the fish we released them back into the ocean. 

Then on Tuesday we were at Castle island there we went fishing at the dock we didn't catch any fish but someone in our group caught two fishing poles and they smelled horrible then we ended up losing some hooks and the weights because it keep getting stuck on the sea weed and it was hard to get off but with our crab trap we catch two crabs and that was it we did end up keeping the crab trap there at the dock over night but when we came back the next morning someone must of touched it because nothing was in the crab trap.

Black Sea Bass

Green Crab
Then on our second day at Castle Island Kharliyah made us some food then we were going to ride the blue bike around the beach but it was to far away so we just ended up walking around and then painting what we had seen around the beach so i had drawn the shore line of the board walk then the two other people in my group drew a rainbow and the castle. We tried to go in the castle but it was closed due to corona so we just ended up playing everyone's it its basically where you have to tag a person and if they tag you your out and they go on to tag the next person until no ones left to tag. Next we would have lunch at Sully's their food was pretty good. Then we had a sports bag with a Frisbee and balls and a base ball bat so we played volleyball and almost lost the ball in the ocean but i caught it just in time. Then we went on lunch break then after that we went up a hill where there was a little bit of shade then Roy and me played baseball to see how far we could hit it. Then we seen this monument remembering some of the soldiers that fought in the Korean War.      
Sea you next week for more!
 - Keiana              
Fort Independence
Korean War Vet Memorial 

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