Sunday, August 16, 2020

My week at Castle Island

     Fishery by definition is where people catch fish in order to sell.  This week I was stationed at Castle Island and we made a scavenger hunt that resembled a Where's Waldo book. We took pictures throughout the week to be compiled into a slideshow version of Ispy, including pictures of the crab traps and fishing gear. This week we also went fishing. We set off near Fort Point and traveled through the islands. This was my first time ever fishing and the first time I caught a fish. We used squid as bait and everyone on the ship caught a fish. Mostly the fish that were caught were Black Sea Bass, but we also had caught a flounder. Through the catch and release technic, I was able to get in contact with alive fish close up and set it free afterward. Through this whole experience, I was able to learn how to work a fishing rod and the different names and uses for each of the parts. As we did this recreationally, many fish that are caught in the harbor end up at the Boston Fish Pier located near route 93 and North Station.

    Generally, fishery has been a stable way of bringing in food for centuries before people immigrated to the Americas. Now fish provides proteins for Third World populations around the coast. Fish farms, artificial ponds as well as enclosures in natural settings such as rivers, lakes, seacoasts, or the open oceans, now make up for almost 40% of the seafood consumed. The world's biggest supplier is in China. However, there are many concerns surrounding fishing farming, contamination in the water has been a great concern as more wast products such as dead fish or feces are dumped into the water threatening the water supply. these chemicals can also have a great effect on the wildlife in the ecosystem. Also, Coastal areas have been altered in order to create good spaces for fish farms such as swamps which help butter the effects of natural events such as Hurricanes. By the World Resources Institute estimate that  "nearly half the land now used for shrimp ponds in Thailand was formerly used for rice paddies; in addition, water diversion for shrimp ponds has lowered groundwater levels noticeably in some coastal areas."In addition, marine pests like sea lice which prey on fish spread out from fish farms to native waters spreading to fish who are not used to the bacteria and suffer from it.

sea you later!


we set our fishing rods by putting on squid as bait.
the view of the water as we venture to our fishing spot
Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,

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