Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Back for Round 2!

Hey y'all!

I'm McRae, a first-year JPA turned winter programming intern. I'm currently a senior at the O'Bryant in Roxbury, struggling through waiting for Early Action decisions and applying to regular decision schools. I want to go to college to study Animal Sciences with the intention of eventually becoming a small animal veterinarian, but for now I still have to overcome senioritis and try to manage to learn anything online. While we're completely online for now and can't do anything in person, I usually play soccer and basketball for our school teams. Luckily, I'm still able to dance outside of school. Other than that, I spend most of my time doing schoolwork, catching up with my friends, or badly attempting to do both at the same time.

My "senior picture" (my school doesn't actually do senior pictures)

Summer 2020 was my first summer working for Save the Harbor, so I'm still pretty new here. It was an interesting year for me to start working in, to say the least. But despite social distancing and not being able to meet with many people in person, I loved being able to bond with my work group (let's go Team Claudia/Boston Harbor Goonies). Plus, being able to do 90% of your work on a beach is much more fun than sitting at home on a computer all day. Even though winter will definitely be a lot of sitting at my computer, I'm still looking forward to getting to know some new people from Save the Harbor and working to reconnect (safely, virtually) with the entire summer staff. I'm also excited to learn more about the technical side of Save the Harbor, working on social media posts and educational content on my own. And of course, I'm excited to have an actual job because my college textbooks aren't going to pay for themselves.

My summer group at Spectacle Island

Peace out y'all :)

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