Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Introducing Ellie- A Senior Harbor Educator First Day


My name is Ellie Tate (pronouns: she/her) and I am one of the summer 2021 Senior Harbor Educator (SHE) for Save the Harbor! I just graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT this spring and have moved up to the Greater Boston area for the first time. I'm from central Pennsylvania and I have grown up around water, whether in creeks and streams or traveling to a beach, so a summer without water is not a summer I want. I studied Environmental science at Trinity and have developed a passion for environmentalism, conservation and sustainability. Save the Harbor's values, community outreach, and environmental education was work that I immediately wanted to be involved in. 

I am ecstatic for the activities we have planned this summer and getting to explore and learn more about the harbor. I have been to Boston twice before joining the Save the Harbor team and now I'm sharing harbor facts to friends who have lived here their whole life. The immersive programs allows for quick, engaging and informative lesson about the harbor clean-up, fishing, and the Greater Boston parks/beaches. 

Last week I went to Carson Beach for the first time and did a survey for MIT with the other SHE's. It was community science survey of bivalves so it can be easily replicated by community members at other beaches. We counted the number of shells we identified of different species of bivalves like the Atlantic Jackknife clam, soft shelled clams, the Eastern Oyster and more! It was a great way to apply species identification with a fun beach activity that we can do many more times this summer! 

This is just the beginning. Hopefully you look forward to hearing from me again and I will have some exciting stories to tell! 

Until next time!


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