Sunday, July 11, 2021

First week

Hi, my name is Harry Nguyen and this is my first year at Save the Habor and I'm really excited about enjoying this summer with my group. I am from Dorchester and I am a rising junior at Boston Latin School. I look forward to fishing, swimming, and learning more about the different types of animals that are living here. I enjoy playing video games, watching anime, and playing the piano.

I am part of Caroline's group and on the first day together we went to Belle Isle Marsh Reservation. In the beginning, we all met up and talked about what we were going to do today. We learned about many bird species we can find in the marsh and then walked around the marsh looking at different types of birds. On Wednesday we went to Constitution beach and started researching bird species we went into the water. Thursday we went to constitution beach again and continued our bird research.

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