Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Boston Newbie at STH Week #1

    My name is francesca fox (yes, it is purposefully stylized lowercase). My pronouns are she/hers/they/them. I was born and raised in the Midwest and lived Illinois. It's been more than a month since I moved to Boston. It's been quite the experience, I feel very fortunate and welcomed as a newcomer. I never expected that my new, current East coast habitat, Somerville, would have West coast hills. Felt like I was walking in San Francisco. In that case, I would have spent more of my pandemic days doing leg exercises. Being from the pretty flat Midwest, I wasn't sure what to expect from East coasters, specifically those from Boston. Of course, much of my perspective comes from portrayals in movies: thick accents and academically driven people. I have only been here a short while, but so far, I have learned so much (and enjoyed what I've learned). I am here to attend graduate school in the fall at Emerson College. I am pursuing an M.F.A. in Film and Media Art. Fun facts about me: I lived in Argentina for a year when I was 16 and I love love LOVE to cook food! (But I'm strict in the kitchen).

    I came early with the intention of working, but much to my surprise, another education came with that. I am happy that my summer has provided me with a "Boston education," so to speak. I was lucky to come across a job posting about Save the Harbor and it instantly reminded me of what I loved most about my summers in my hometown when I was a teenager: being outside, mingling with nature and other kids was a big highlight during those hot summer days. I especially loved being by the water. It was an exciting opportunity to be able to facilitate a similar experience for teenagers in the Boston area. 

    From the moment my position started, I was already learning so much. As a Boston newbie, I definitely wanted to learn about this new and historic city. I realized just how much I didn't know, which prompted my curiosity even more. My team of kids also have taught and guided me as well! Something I really appreciate because I definitely do not profess to know more than they do. I really admire their drive and fearlessness. Working with teenagers has proven more exciting than intimidating. My group is seven awesome people (in no particular order): Ty, Jay, Hope, Danny, Arryn, Aiden and Marley. They come from different areas of Boston which I really like. The first few days I was still finding my footing with them, but they were very supportive and helpful which made it all very easeful. Our first day was a walk downtown and around the Long Wharf. That is when we really dug into what climate change is doing to the sea levels. This really affects the Harborwalk of Boston. Even as we explored North End with intense heat, it was clear that a lot of the communities in and around Boston are unaware of this inevitable flooding. However, the kids seemed very adamant that this was something that needs to change. Exploring the Seaport District was quite a fun day. It was more adventurous and the weather was nice. But it was especially great to see Anna's group mesh with mine. I hope that the groups will get to mingle more! We all met up at the ICA steps to have lunch. It was really fun! This coming week we tackle South Boston which I am very excited for. Just another site for this Boston newbie to sink her hands into and continue to learn.

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