Sunday, July 11, 2021

Year Two..Let's Go!


    Hey y'all! I'm Tnysha or Ty here at STH. I am an upcoming freshman at Wheaton College in Norton, Mass. I am from the Dorchester area and I am super excited for college. I plan on majoring in Psychology to work with kids on the autism spectrum. Outside of school I love to bake, make fashion pieces by crocheting or knitting, and binge watching tv shows or YouTube videos. I also have a love for painting, acting, photography, and filmmaking.  I have 10 parakeets, a turtle, and a puppy named Milo. 

    This is my second year at Save The Harbor and I can't be more excited! I have a awesome team and I can't wait to see what the summer holds. This week my group met in the Long Whalf area, Langone Park/North End, and the Seaport. Each day we explored each area and walked a ton! While site seeing we discussed how climate change will effect the areas we explored. We read an article that gave us tons of information about important topics, while keeping this information in mind we deiced to make a google slides for our deliverable of all the things we learned that week. Some other things we did during this week was make a poster of what we would say or draw to get the effects of climate change to our communities, hung out with Anna's team in the seaport, and much more! Over all this was a great start to the Summer 2021 season and I can't wait to be back next week !

Catch ya later 😎


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