Monday, August 16, 2021

Another Amazing Week

     This week was very different from the rest of the weeks. Usually I wake up around 8 or 9 to get to work but for the fishing derby on Tuesday I had to be up at 5 in the morning. Something haven’t done since going to school before Covid. The pain of waking up that early was well worth it considering how fun that day ended up being. I got the chance to catch and hold some really big fish, while also meeting new people. It was super fun spending time with all of my coworkers again and eating lunch together at the end. I also got paid that day so that also contributed to my fondness of the fishing derby

    The Youth Cruise was a good experience too because of getting to learn about of other youth groups do around Boston. Seeing how each group has it's own focus and all our programs contribute to making Boston a better place was really cool. Later my group and I did a search for invasive species around the seaport docks. We learned how to identify them and why it's important for cities to know exactly what species are present and where.


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