Saturday, August 21, 2021

Great Summer

 Thank you everyone for this amazing summer at Save the Habor I hope I can be a part of this program again next summer. I didn't think I was going to get this job because I didn't get a reply but I'm really thankful that my brother mentioned me in his interview because if he didn't I don't think I would have been a part of this amazing program. One of my favorite parts of this summer was working with my group because every day there would be something new and fun. I already knew how to fish, but I still learned many things about fishing that I didn't know before. I also really liked going to different locations every week and doing deliverables to do. I was also able to learn how to navigate through the train stations because before this summer I was not too comfortable using the train to go places, but now I am very comfortable using it.

I had a great summer and I hope I can see everyone next year.

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