Friday, August 20, 2021

Last Week at Save the Harbor. See You All Next Year!

As this program comes to an end, I find myself looking back at all the great moments I had with my group and the youth staff as a whole. During the last week of the program, we bonded as a whole team; We went to a new island (George's Island), Spectacle, Boston Bowl, and finally a group picnic. My favorite moment this summer has to go to the fishing derby. I will forever remember going on a boat to Boston Harbor and catching my biggest striper yet. There was also the time I went fishing with Aidan and Ruben at Revere Beach. It was like the stripers were purposely teasing Ruben just to vex him. The fish were literally jumping out of the water, but we had no luck and left without anything. Despite the numerous mosquito encounters, Save the Harbor has given me so many opportunities to try something new whether it be exploring new parts of Boston or teaching kids how to fish.

For summer that was spent at Save the Harbor during a pandemic and as a person who doesn't go outside very much, I have done more than I could have imagined in any summer. This was the first summer I was able to go outside and take public transportation by myself. I also learned how to ride a bike which I am really proud of. Being able to explore Boston with an amazing group of people just makes it harder think about having this summer come to an end. I truly appreciate the opportunity to be part of the Save the Harbor Summer 2021 team and my group members Francesca, Jay, Ty, Aidan, Marley, Arryn, and Hope. I can't wait to come back next year! 


Danny Nguyen

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