Sunday, August 1, 2021

Murtle the turtle and Charles river


Another week at Save the Harbor! We started the week off at the aquarium and it was a lot of fun to be able to join the other groups. At the aquarium me, ari, and aliyah spent most of our time at the penguin exhibit. It was so cute to see them swimming and just having fun and we talked about how we would love to work at an aquarium in the future to be around these adorable penguins. We also took interest in murtle the turtle, it was so cool to see him in the big tank swimming around. Lastly I loved the seal show, we got to see the seals do tricks and it was so fun. On Wednesday we went to Charles River where we walked around looking for the good things about the boston side we noticed the Boston side has a lot more greenery but is less accessible. We then went across the bridge where we witnessed lots of police action and we say the coast guard go across the river. On the Cambridge side we noticed that there isn’t as much greenery but it is more accessible. We walked a total of about 6 miles which was insane and I was so sore the next day. On Thursday most of our group was out but we were still able to meet and discuss our deliverable plan. We listed some pros and cons of each side of the river. Boston pros: more green space, islands, more wild life. Cons: have to cross to get to an esplanade. Lastly Friday we put together our videos we took and wrote a script for the deliverable. Thanks for tuning in see you next time!

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